HortiTrends Weekly Comment and News Digest - 20th August
- 20 August 2013
Garden centres and the industry in general will be cheered by Heat Wave Drives Strong Retail Sales in July As the nightmare that was called spring begins to fade, nurseries are now busy looking to the future and ordering young plants and liners for the 2014 season. Its hard for them to plan production based on the garden centre's sector fears, that the weather could go the same way again. Many of the businesses that are successful are those that commit to and 'Take a Chance' on each other. They are more likely to be flexible with each other and it is this flexibility that can be the key to build profitable business relationships.
Blog Awards Ireland - Vote for Dee Sewell of Greensideup Dee is one of Irelands leading bloggers and a regular contributor to GardenGuide.ie She writes from the heart and based on her passion for bringing horticulture to the masses there may be a community garden coming to your area soon.
GLDA 4M's Workshop is an opportunity to beef up your marketing and sales skills. Another date for the diary is the ALCI awards which will be taking place on the 18th of October. Full event details coming soon. Also actively assisting their sector with training opportunities will be the IFG Corsage Creation Workshop.
Pat Fitzgerald to Speak at Plant Propagators Annual Conference 2013 One of a wide range of industry speakers at this upcoming conference that is a must if you are involved in a nursery business. News that there will be No National Organic Week in 2013 may seen that the sector is not getting the support it needs but Bord Bia have statistics that the event does not increase sales of organic produce. It was a well promoted week and it will be interesting to see if sales fall without the promotion week officially going ahead.
If you are around the big smoke why not check out the Pop-Up Park for Dublin City Centre – From 22 August.
Thank You
Joseph (Editor at HortiTrends)