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Impact of the Decision To Leave the EU

Impact of the Decision To Leave the EU

It is now clear that the British people have made the choice to leave the European Union. The countr...


HortiTrends Weekly News - Wages Survey - New Nursery Awards at Garden Show Ireland - ITB Horticulture Open Day - Join the Board of Bord Bia - April 14th


We recently carried out the first of what will be, an 'Annual National Wages for Horticulture Survey' in conjunction with Horticulture Connected Journal. Data has been sorely lacking and we hope, that by starting this annual survey it will begin to rectify the information gap that has existed. Subscribers to the Spring Edition of Horticulture Connected Journal will already have this information to hand. You too can have a print copy by subscribing HERE.

'ITB Horticulture Open Evening' takes place this Thursday and offers potential students the chance to view the new facilities and meet the experienced team of staff who implement the extensive horticulture education programme at the college. They will also be able to answer questions and direct students to the course that best suits them.

Allianz Garden Show Ireland will be even bigger and better this year. They have just announced new awards for 'Nurseries Exhibiting at the Event'. Also they will have 'BBC's Gardeners Question Time' at the Event which will be a big draw for all of those armchair radio gardeners, to come and visit the show.

If you are one of the many opinionated and passionate people whom we often meet, that have ideas about the future direction of Horticulture in Ireland, then now is your chance to have your say. 'Bord Bia are Currently Looking for 6 New Members' to join the board. Its an exciting prospect to be involved with, but only those with exceptional experience who are willing to sacrifice quite a bit of time need apply.

The Young Horticulturist of the Year Ireland Finals take place on Thursday in the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre. An annual subscription to Horticulture Connected Journal, along with the coveted Ireland title will be up for grabs

