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Tender - Momentum Programme - Application for Admission to the SOLAS Momentum (2014-2017) panel.

Tender - Momentum Programme - Application for Admission to the SOLAS Momentum (2014-2017) panel.
Abstract: SOLAS is the new Further Education and Training Authority in Ireland. It is responsible for funding, planning and co- ordinating training and further education programmes. SOLAS is seeking to establish a panel consisting of pre- qualified Education and Training Providers (Contractors) who will be able to compete for MOMENTUM funding by proposing innovative projects. MOMENTUM will fund the provision of education and training projects to allow circa. 6,500 jobseekers (who are long term unemployed) to gain skills and to access work opportunities in identified growing sectors. Approximately 2,000 of these places will be ring fenced for youth provision in response to the EU Council recommendation for a youth guarantee. The Fund available is circa €20,000,000. The exact eligibility criteria will be notified at the call for proposals stage. MOMENTUM will provide eligible jobseekers with • Access to a range of quality education and training projects • Links to identified job vacancies and employers • Work placement and post programme support • Relevant industry and NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications) Certification. MOMENTUM projects will be designed to create a dynamic environment where talented and motivated people work together to make a difference in their lives and careers. Projects will assist participants to focus their talent, increase their skills, reveal their potential to employers and gain them access to job vacancies. MOMENTUM is supported by the Labour Market Education & Training Fund which is part of the Government's Action Plan for Jobs programme and is administered by SOLAS. This initiative is funded by the European Social Fund/European Structural Funds Programme 20014-2020. Eligibility of all participants on the projects will be stipulated by the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
Publication date: 28-02-2014
Response deadline: 25-04-2014 12:00 Irish time
Procedure: Open Procedure (OJEU)
Buyer: Solas
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